#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
std::vector<double> probs(double (*f)(double),
double x0, double dx, int nbins) {
std::vector<double> r(nbins+1, 0);
double s = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < nbins; ++n) {
r[n] = f(x0 + (n + 1) * dx) - f(x0 + n * dx);
s += r[n];
r[nbins] = 1 - s;
return r;
template<typename param_type>
std::vector<double> discrete_normal_probs(const param_type& p,
int x0, int dx, int nbins) {
double H;
std::vector<double> r(nbins+1, 0);
double s = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < nbins; ++n) {
for (int j = 0; j < dx; ++j)
r[n] +=
s += r[n];
r[nbins] = 1 - s;
return r;
double chisqf(const std::vector<double>& probs,
std::map<int, long long>& counts) {
int nbins = int(probs.size()) - 1;
if (nbins < 1) return 0;
long long num = 0;
for (auto p = counts.begin(); p != counts.end(); ++p)
num += p->second;
double v = 0, x;
long long s = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < nbins; ++n) {
s += counts[n];
x = counts[n] - num * probs[n];
v += x * x / (num * probs[n]);
x = (num - s) - num * probs[nbins];
v += x * x / (num * probs[nbins]);
return v;
template<typename Generator>
void discrete_chisq(Generator& g, long long num,
int mu_num, int mu_den, int sigma_num, int sigma_den,
int x0, int dx, int DOF) {
d(mu_num, mu_den, sigma_num, sigma_den);
double mu = d.mu_num() / double(d.mu_den()),
sigma = d.sigma_num() / double(d.sigma_den());
std::map<int, long long> hist;
for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
++hist[int(std::floor((d(g) - x0 + 0.5)/dx))];
double chisq = chisqf(discrete_normal_probs(d.param(), x0, dx, DOF),
std::cout << "discrete_normal_distribution (mu = " << mu
<< ", sigma = " << sigma << "):\n samples = "
<< num << ", DOF = " << DOF
<< ", chi-squared = " << chisq << std::endl;
int main() {
unsigned s = std::random_device()();
std::mt19937 g(s);
std::cout << "With 50 degrees of freedom, chisq should lie\n"
<< " between 29.71 and 76.15, 98% of the time\n"
<< " between 34.76 and 67.50, 90% of the time\n"
<< " between 42.94 and 56.33, 50% of the time\n"
<< "See Knuth TAOCP, Vol 2, Sec. 3.3.1\n"
<< "Seed set to " << s << "\n\n";
std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);
long long num = 5000000LL;
int DOF = 50;
double x0 = -4, dx = 0.16;
std::map<int, long long> hist;
for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
++hist[int(std::floor( (d(g) - x0) / dx ))];
x0, dx, DOF),
std::cout << "unit_normal_distribution: samples = "
<< num << ", DOF = " << DOF
<< ", chi-squared = " << chisq << std::endl;
int DOF = 50;
double x0 = 0, dx = 0.16;
std::map<int, long long> hist;
for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
++hist[int(std::floor( (d(g) - x0) / dx ))];
x0, dx, DOF),
std::cout << "unit_exponential_distribution: samples = "
<< num << ", DOF = " << DOF
<< ", chi-squared = " << chisq << std::endl;
int DOF = 50;
double x0 = 0, dx = 1/51.0;
std::map<int, long long> hist;
for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i)
++hist[int(std::floor( (d(g) - x0) / dx ))];
x0, dx, DOF),
std::cout << "unit_uniform_distribution: samples = "
<< num << ", DOF = " << DOF
<< ", chi-squared = " << chisq << std::endl;
discrete_chisq(g, num, 0, 1, 6, 1, -24, 1, 50);
discrete_chisq(g, num, 1, 3, 6, 1, -24, 1, 50);
discrete_chisq(g, num, 0, 1, 61, 10, -24, 1, 50);
discrete_chisq(g, num, -5, 3, 69, 10, -24, 1, 50);
discrete_chisq(g, num, 201, 7, 1301, 2, -2500, 100, 50);