#include <iostream>
#include <random>
template<typename Generator>
void count_bits(Generator& g, long long num,
int mu_num, int mu_den, int sigma_num, int sigma_den) {
const unsigned b = 2;
N(D, mu_num, mu_den, sigma_num, sigma_den);
long long counta = 0, countb = 0, fractotal = 0;
for (long long i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
long long c0 = D.
counta += D.
count() - c0;
fractotal += h.entropy();
countb += D.
count() - c0;
double H;
H /= std::log(2.0);
double B = counta/double(num),
L = fractotal/double(num),
F = countb/double(num),
T = F - H;
<< ":\n";
std::cout << " <B> = " << B
<< ", <L> = " << L
<< ", <F> = <B> + <L> = " << F
<< ",\n H = " << H
<< ", T = <F> - H = " << T << "" << std::endl;
int main() {
unsigned s = std::random_device()();
std::mt19937 g(s);
std::cout << "Seed set to " << s << "\n\n";
long long num = 2000000LL;
<< "Sampling from the discrete normal distribution (Algorithm D)\n";
count_bits(g, num, 1, 7, 16, 100);
count_bits(g, num, 2, 7, 16, 10);
count_bits(g, num, 3, 7, 16, 1);
count_bits(g, num, 0, 7, 160, 1);
count_bits(g, num, -1, 7, 1600, 1);
count_bits(g, num, -2, 7, 16000, 1);
count_bits(g, num, -3, 7, 160000, 1);
count_bits(g, num, 1, 7, 1600000, 1);
count_bits(g, num, 0, 7, (1<<17)-1, 1);
count_bits(g, num, 0, 7, (1<<17), 1);
count_bits(g, num, 0, 1, (1<<17)+1, 1);
count_bits(g, num, 0, 1, (1<<18)-1, 1);
count_bits(g, num, 0, 1, (1<<18), 1);
count_bits(g, num, 0, 1, (1<<18)+1, 1);